The Economical Foundation of Patto Marciano: A European Perspective (Part II)

Mutuo Fondiario  Mutuo Fondiaro is a special form of mortgage loans which confers some extra protections and prerogatives to the creditors -that are primarily banks or other Financial Institutions- compared to the traditional ordinary loans. Due to these protections, Mutuo Fondiario has become the preferential instrument of credit issuers (banks and FIs).  The counterparts to[…]


Sei un amante della parmigiana di melanzane, ma in estate vorresti qualcosa di più leggero? Allora devi provare la mia millefoglie! Dosi per 4 persone Ingredienti: 2 melanzane 400 g pomodori ramati 2 mozzarelle olio extravergine d’oliva pepe basilico   Procedimento: Lavare le melanzane e i pomodori e poi tagliare a fette omogenee. Tagliere a fette[…]

The Economical Foundation of Patto Marciano: A European Perspective (Part I)

Introduction to Patto Marciano: A Comprehensive Analysis In an attempt to overhaul the Italian Bank Credit system, the “Consolidated Banking Act”, also known as “Patto Marciano”, has been ratified by Italian Legislators. It compromises of two parts, Article 120-quinquiesdecies which deals with ‘Consumer’ Loans, and article 48-bis, regulating ‘Corporate’ Loans; passed by the Legislative Decree[…]